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Military Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit: Were You or A Loved One Injured After Being Exposed To Asbestos While Serving in the Military?

military asbestos exposure lawsuit case settlement claim

If you or a loved one suffered from mesothelioma, lung cancer, or other asbestos-related injury after being exposed to asbestos while serving in the military, you may be entitled to recover compensation from a military asbestos exposure lawsuit case or settlement claim.

A team of products liability injury lawyers and class action attorneys is investigating asbestos lawsuit cases and settlement claims of veterans who suffered from mesothelioma, lung cancer, or other asbestos-related injury after being exposed to asbestos while serving in the military.

It has been estimated that up to 25 million veterans in the U.S. may have been exposed to asbestos while serving in the military and may be at risk of developing mesothelioma, lung cancer, other asbestos cancers, asbestosis and/or other asbestos-related diseases. In fact, of the roughly 3,000 Americans who are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year, more than 30 percent of them are United States military veterans.

Military Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Cases

Military asbestos exposure lawsuit claims potentially being investigated include claims of veterans who suffered asbestos-related injury after being exposed to asbestos while serving in one or more of branches of the military, including:

From 1930 to 1980, the United States military was one of the largest consumers of asbestos-containing products, including boilers, brakes, gaskets, valves, cements, adhesives, floor and pipe coverings (lagging) and other products that were used in military bases, buildings, barracks mess halls, ships, shipyards, vessels, aircraft, tanks, military vehicles, machinery rooms, ammunition storage rooms, engine and boiler rooms, training facilities and equipment, among others.

Veteran Asbestos Exposure Injury Claims

Veterans who served in the following occupations, among others, may have been exposed to asbestos during their military service:

  • Mining
  • Milling
  • Shipyard work
  • Insulation work
  • Electrical work
  • Demolition of old buildings
  • Carpentry
  • Construction
  • Pipefitting
  • Manufacturing
  • Installation of flooring, roofing and other products
  • Repair and maintenance of military equipment
  • Repair and maintenance of military vehicles
  • Other types of veteran asbestos exposure

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans who served in Iraq, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other countries could also have been exposed to asbestos when older buildings with asbestos were damaged and the contaminant released into the air.

Military Asbestos Injury Compensation

Veterans who suffered from asbestos-related injury and disease (and/or their families) may be eligible for compensation via VA benefits, military asbestos trust funds and/or asbestos lawsuits against companies who provided asbestos containing products to the armed forces.

If you or a loved one were injured after being exposed to asbestos while serving in the military, you may be entitled to compensation from a military asbestos exposure lawsuit case or settlement claim. Contact an injury lawyer to request a free case review

*If you or a loved one are experiencing health issues, side effects or complications from a product (i.e., asbestos or asbestos fibers), we urge you to promptly consult with your doctor or physician for an evaluation.

**The listing of a company or product is not meant to state or imply that the company acted illegally or improperly or that the product is unsafe or defective; rather only that an investigation may be, is or was being conducted to determine whether legal rights have been violated.

***The use of any trademarks, tradenames or service marks is solely for product identification and/or informational purposes.

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