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Camp Lejeune Liver Cancer Lawsuit: Were You or a Loved One Diagnosed With Liver Cancer After Being Exposed to Toxic Water at Camp Lejeune?

Camp Lejeune liver cancer lawsuit cases settlement claims

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with liver cancer after being exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, you may be entitled to recover compensation from a Camp Lejeune liver cancer lawsuit case or settlement claim.

A team of personal injury lawyers and class action attorneys is investigating potential Camp Lejune lawsuit cases and settlement claims of veterans and other individuals who were diagnosed with liver cancer after being exposed to toxic water at USMC base Camp Lejeune.

Liver cancer is a form of cancer that begins in the liver (the spongy, wedge-shaped organ and gland in the human body that performs many bodily functions, including filtering the blood and removing toxins) when liver cells rapidly divide to form one or more tumors.

The American Cancer Society estimates that each year in the U.S., more than 41,200 new liver cancer cases are diagnosed and there are about 30,500 liver cancer deaths. Unfortunately, according to the ATSDR individuals exposed to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water may be at an increased risk of developing liver cancer.

Camp Lejeune Liver Cancer Lawsuit Claims

The Camp Lejeune liver cancer lawsuit and settlement cases potentially being investigated include claims of Camp Lejeune residents, workers, family members and others who were diagnosed with liver cancer after being exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune from August 1, 1953 to December 31, 1987:

  • Liver cancer
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
  • Hepatoma
  • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Angiosarcoma of the liver
  • Hemangiocarcinoma
  • Other Camp Lejeune cancers

Camp Lejeune Liver Cancer Injury Cases

The ATSDR concluded that there was evidence that TCE and vinyl chloride (two of the contaminants found in the water at Camp Lejeune) may cause liver cancer. Indeed, various studies have reported a potential link between liver cancer and TCE and vinyl chloride.

For example, an IARC review of TCE (IARC 2014) concluded that a positive association was observed between TCE exposure and liver cancer. Likewise, an IARC review of vinyl chloride concluded that: “There is compelling evidence that exposure to vinyl chloride is associated with angiosarcoma of the liver, and strong evidence that it is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma.”

Indeed, a 2014 study titled “Evaluation of mortality among marines and navy personnel exposed to contaminated drinking water at USMC base Camp Lejeune: a retrospective cohort study” found an increased risk of liver cancer among Marines/Navy personnel at Camp Lejeune.

Liver Cancer Signs & Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of liver cancer can include:

  • Swelling in the abdomen
  • Upper abdomen discomfort
  • Lump or mass on right side below rib cage
  • Pain in back or right shoulder blade
  • Pain on right side of abdomen
  • Abnormal bruising
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Persisent fever
  • Unintended weight loss or weight gain
  • Jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes)
  • Dark urine
  • Pale bowel movements
  • Itching
  • Feeling unwell
  • Other liver cancer symptoms

Procedures and tests used by doctors (such as gastroenterologists and oncologists) to diagnose liver cancer can include a physical examination, medical and family history, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) tumor marker test, liver function tests, cirrhosis tests, imaging scans (CT, PET, MRI, ultrasound, angiography, etc.) and liver biopsy.

Liver Cancer Complications

Complications from liver cancer can include anemia (low red blood cell count), bile duct obstruction, bleeding, portal hypertension (pressure on portal vein), hypercalcemia (high blood calcium levels), hepatorenal syndrome (where liver disease leads to kidney disease such as kidney failure), hepatic encephalopathy (where toxins in liver affect brain function including confusion, memory loss, etc.), liver cancer metastasis to other parts of the body and/or death.

Liver Cancer Treatment

Liver cancer treatment can include surgery to remove liver cancer, ablation therapy to kill liver cancer cells (e.g., radiofrequency ablation RFA, percutaneous ethanol alcohol ablation, cryotherapy, microwave ablation), embolization therapy (to starve liver cancer cells), radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy (to block liver cancer growth), immunotherapy (to stimulate the body’s immune systems to fight the liver cancer), chemotherapy (using drugs to kill liver cancer cells) and liver transplant (to replace the diseased liver with a healthy liver from a donor), among others.

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with liver cancer after being exposed to toxic water at Camp Lejeune, you may be entitled to compensation from a Camp Lejeune liver cancer lawsuit or settlement. Contact an injury lawyer to request a free case review.

Note: If you were diagnosed with liver cancer after taking Zantac heartburn medication, you may also be entitled to compensation from a Zantac lawsuit case or settlement claim. 

*If you or a loved one are experiencing health issues, side effects or complications from a product, we urge you to promptly consult with your doctor or physician for an evaluation.

**The listing of a company or entity or product (i.e., Camp Lejeune water) is not meant to state or imply that the company or entity acted illegally or improperly or that the product is unsafe or defective; rather only that an investigation may be, is or was being conducted to determine whether legal rights have been violated.

***The use of any trademarks, tradenames or service marks is solely for product identification and/or informational purposes.

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